
Project description

The project aims to support the City of Warsaw to enhance its climate governance, integrate climate change considerations into strategy, capital planning, budgetary decisions and operations. This is done through the following main objectives:

  1. To build awareness and capacity within the City of Warsaw departments on climate risks and opportunities, as well as international best practice on climate action in relation to “climate proofing” of infrastructure projects and other procurement activities.
  2. To undertake a review of existing selected City of Warsaw infrastructure project(s)’ exposure to key climate risks (transition risks and physical risks).
  3. To support the City of Warsaw to integrate climate change considerations into strategy, capital planning, budgetary decisions, and operations.
  4. To undertake a review of the City of Warsaw current climate strategies and practices against best practice (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and CDP1 recommendations).
  5. To support the City of Warsaw in full disclosure preparation, in an appropriate publicly available climate reporting platform noting that the City of Warsaw has previously reported through the CDP-ICLEI Track.

ICLEI has primarily contributed to the first three objectives listed above, leading the work in Task 2 – Support the City with introducing climate proofing in the investment planning processes, developing a climate proofing guide for the City of Warsaw and conducting a technical workshop to present it; and in Task 3 – Setting grounds for future CCG Implementation Plan, developing a Corporate Climate Governance (TFCD) Gap Analysis and delivering a workshop on the topic.

Project locations
